Monday, April 16, 2012

Keeping it cool: A&M Auto in Bellevue and preventing overheats

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Summer is just a few more weeks away, and many are looking into joyrides and interstate trips as ways to spend the season. A&M Auto in Bellevue provides some tips on how to prevent your car from overheating, and potentially upsetting what could be a fun summer.

One of the most effective means to ensure a smooth and overheat-free journey is to be a responsible motorist. Check your car’s engine oil and coolant levels, and make sure that they are sufficient for the trip. Make sure that your car’s warning system works properly. Overheats can occur more quickly than expected, and a fully functional warning system goes a long way in alerting you of any engine problems.

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Overheats can occur while you are on the road, and unfortunately, services from car repair stations like A&M Auto in Bellevue are not always within reach. You, therefore, have to know what you can do to prevent your car from succumbing to heat in the middle of the trip.

Needless to say, you have to give your engine as much rest as possible. Turn it off if you have to stop your car for more than a minute. Avoid the rush hour, and drive at a steady speed, even if you have to go slow in stop-and-go traffic. Sudden acceleration and abrupt stops can take a toll on your engine.

Moreover, take the best precaution against overheating, which is having your car checked by professional technicians regularly (A&M Auto in Bellevue offers car check-ups and maintenance services). This eliminates factors like leaks and burst hoses—typical causes of overheating—and assures you that all automobile parts and features are functional and are working well. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared—it only sets you up for a summer trip without much worries.

From A&M Automotive

Learn more about the services offered by A&M Auto in Bellevue by visiting