Monday, October 8, 2012

Making that stop: A&M Auto Repair on ensuring an efficient braking system

A&M Automotive, a renowned auto repair shop in Bellevue, Washington, is consistent in reminding motorists to send in their vehicles for scheduled maintenance checks and periodic repairs. Being proactive about maintenance and repair is seen to ensure that the vehicle continues to run smoothly and in a manner expected of it.

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One of the most important aspects of vehicles that must be regularly checked is the braking system. Out of all the other safety features of the car, the braking system is the most used. When the brake system fails, accidents are almost sure to follow.

To ensure that the car makes the stop or slows down when needed, A&M Automotive recommends requesting a routine checkup for their vehicle’s braking system during every oil check session.

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The amount of wear on the brake pads and the usage of the brake fluid vary from vehicle to vehicle and it is wise to have the condition of the break system checked often to avoid accidents, costly repairs, and frequent replacements for damaged disk brake rotors or brake drums.

Keeping the interior of the car clean also goes a long way in ensuring an efficient braking system. Small things like cans and bottles can easily get under the brake pedals, hindering proper operation at crucial times.

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For more information on A&M Automotive and car maintenance, visit: